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Satter, C.B., 2017. Estimating population density and survival of ocelots in six study sites over multiple years in Belize, Central America (Master's thesis, Virginia Tech).



Augustine, B., Royle, J.A., Kelly, M., Satter, C., Alonso, R., Boydston, E. and Crooks, K., 2017. Spatial capture-recapture with partial identity: an application to camera traps. bioRxiv, p.056804.



Satter, C.B., B.C. Augustine, B.J. Harmsen, C. Wultsch, M. Davis, and M.J., Kelly. Ocelot Density at Seven Sites over Multiple Years in Belize. - In Prep



Satter, C.B., B.C. Augustine, B.J. Harmsen, and M.J., Kelly. Using Open SCR Models to Estimate Sex-specific Density, Survival, Dispersal, and Population Growth Rates of Ocelots in Five Sites over Multiple Years in Belize. - In Prep 

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