Christopher B. Satter, M.S.| PhD Student
Department of Fish & Wildlife Conservation
Thesis title:
Estimating population density and survival of ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) in six study sites over multiple years in Belize, Central America
Research Objectives:
Estimating ocelot survival, recruitment, dispersal, and population growth rates using open spatial capture-recapture models.
Estimating ocelot population density at seven study sites over multiple years in Belize, Central America using sex-specifc spatial capture-recapture models.
Research Interests
Closed spatial capture-recapture models for estimating abundance and density, and open spatial capture-recapture models for estimating survival of elusive carnivores.
Spatial variation in density, survival and resource selection of prey species, including causes of mortality, home-range size, recruitment, and resource selection.
Understanding the effects of landscape features on spatial variation in carnivores, including
impediments to dispersal and connectivity of suitable habitats, and habitat attributes on prey populations across human-dominated landscapes.
Investigating the ecosystem services provided by restoration of large carnivores.